A powerful 7.1-magnitude of Sunday's earthquake in northern Japan. Tsunami Consulting Japan, were issued after an earthquake in Tokyo, breaking news reporting. Warning was later lifted.
According to Reuters, Fukushima earthquake nuclear plant workers for injury or high ground, no immediate reports of damage caused to immigrants. Tokyo Electric Power said it was a nuclear plant does not appear to be any further damage.
In March, Japan veryo earthquake and tsunami in the country, and the havoc wreaked in the Fukushima nuclear plant.

MMA fighter and professional wrestler in Japan, Josh Barnett to wrestle for IGF. Barnett, "You do not have anything better out of bed in the morning at a group get an earthquake." He later added tweeted, ... for the project is done? "
U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake epicenter at 10:57, about 130 miles east of Sendai am.
The earthquake was more than 20 miles deep and was magnitude 7.0, USGS said.
Earthquake magnitude is measured on a 7.1 JMA.
Tsunami to Iwate Miyagi and Fukushima advisories were issued for coastal areas, JMA said.
Most of the year was devastating earthquake and tsunami affected areas.
There was no immediate reports of disorder near a nuclear plant, according to the semiofficial Kyodo news agency. There are no immediate reports of injuries or damage, the agency said.
Far from earthquake shocks were felt as far away as Tokyo.
Earthquakes local time (0057 GMT), 9:57 and hit the beach northeast of tsunami warning was issued for the majority. The main island of Honshu, Japan earthquake, the Pacific Ocean coast 6 miles (10 km) was set up in the bottom center of the mother.
Japanese officials say the 20-inch (50 cm) above the prediction of earthquakes can produce tsunamis, but only the initial wave 4 inches (10 cm) were.
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