By reference. 2136/73/1/2011-Pers against recruitment. The rules on contract law for a year and the beginning of time. To post the details can be seen below: -
Post Name: - Law Officer
Number of posts: 71
Region of space: - 17 seats, 06 seats to 03 in Bhopal, Lucknow Zone 03, Sector 09, Chandigarh, Patna Zone, 10 District to Kolkata, Guwahati region in 02 zones in Delhi, Chennai Zone 04 seats, 07 seats to 02 seats to 08 Hyderabad, Mumbai, Mumbai Zone I and Zone II Seats
Salary: - Rs. Share (combined) Month - / 60,000
Essential Qualification: Law graduate and at least 10 yrs experience in handling criminal cases.
Selection Process - the process of interviewing candidates eligible to be selected by the CBI.
How to apply: - the candidate of their programs, qualifications, experience, race, etc. can be sent with supporting documents
August 02, 2011 before the CBI chief to send all completed application should address the relevant areas.
The full recruitment details available at the head of the relevant area.
Link to full appointment details can be seen below: -
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