Neptune - the blue color is the eighth planet in the solar system, has this year completed its first revolution in the sun since the discovery of its 1846. Heaven Body celebrates birthday 13 july 3:06 IST about the same when it comes to the heliocentric longitude of 0.1020 at 329 • at the time of discovery, said RC Kapoor, Indian Institute of Astro Physics.
Look on the planet to see the constellation of Capricorn and Aquarius Capricorn between the stars Delta and Lambda Aquaria to be precise, he said, adding that one must look at a moderately sized telescope.

Neptune is opposed to the 22 August 2011 , meaning that it rises around the sun sets in the west, and is up all night, he said. Neptune is also the first planet found mathematical projections and not by observation, C B Devgun SPACE says .
Unexplained anomalies in the orbit of the planet Uranus, since its accidental discovery by March 13, 1781 by William Herschel, led by astronomers to believe that there was some unknown body farther out.

John Adams and Urbain Le Verrier, an independent analysis of the discrepancy between observed and calculated positions of Uranus in 1845 and predicted mass disrupt the body's orbit. The planet was discovered twenty September 23, 1846 by Johann Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest very close to the predicted position of Berlin Observatory, said Devgun. Neptune has 13 satellites and a thin ring, which discovered the 1984th planet's orbit is nearly circular. This atmosphere is mostly hydrogen (80 per cent), helium (19 per cent) and methane (1 per cent), and a very small admixture of other compounds. The average temperature is - 235 ° C. This is 38.87 times higher, and 17.132 times more massive than Earth.
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